DropAutomator is an automatic Telegram messages sending system, that allows you to schedule (for one or more groups) a predetermined message, that will be sent inside each group every X minutes, starting from a fixed date
The system will be connected to a Telegram Account defined by the user during the setup phase, and will be accessible only through Secure Authentication through the Web Interface
After logging in, you will have access to a simple but full interface, where you will be able to stop / start the bot, and have access to expandible notifications (you can read them all) and to the log (full available too)
Through a special page, you will be able to add a “Group Configuration” (specifying an ID, username or link of the group), message to send, date of next send, and interval in minutes (how often to send that message)
You will be able also to enable or disable the link preview
Every time it needs to send a message, DropAutomator – Automatic Telegram Messages Sender will connect (through a Safe Proxy) to the given account ONLY IN READ MODE(it won’t have any access or permissions to read messages) and will send the scheduled messages, disconnecting immediately after
Eventual errors will be registered and notified through the notifications
Can I use the message bot in any Telegram group I am a guest in or do I need Administrator rights in the group?
Can the bot be used anonymously?
Can only text or also image with text be sent as message?
Is it possible to ban the bot?
What is the one-time cost of the bot and is there a monthly cost?
Thank you and greetings Tom Peter
you can use the bot in any Telegram group, you don’t need administrator’s rights.
But if the group deletes messages from non-administrator users, you won’t be able to send any message
The bot can be used anonymously, since you can connect a secondary phone number
You can send only texts for now, but we can integrate images
What do you mean about “Ban the bot”?
Regarding costs, please contact me on Telegram at @TheDevAle