The innovative Instagram Saves Checking Bot takes the standard of Like and Comment exchange bot to the next level, adding a peculiar and important feature: The obligation to savethe photos in the list in order to post.
The Savehas become, for some time, an important factor taken into account by Instagram in its Algorithm, and this bot was created to meet this need, and push the growth of instagram profiles even higher.
How do you check Instagram Saves with a Checking Bot?
As we all know, it is not possible to automatically control the Saves within instagram, as they are a privatefeature of each user, visible only to the latter.
However, what AlexDev.IT has decided to do, to create an effective and intelligent solution, is to control trulyand in an extremely precise way the presence of Like(and, if desired, also Comments) under the photos to be saved by the user who wants to post, and if he has correctly recovered all the photos, ask him for one Screenshot of the Save Folderbefore authorizing the post.
List example Confirm engagement with obligation to send screenshots Quick and easy screenshot sending phase Post Confirmation Screenshot
This screenshot will be sent to the group, attached to its photo and link to get the list, and will be visible to everyone, including Administrators.
If it does not contain all the necessary saves, it can be removed with a quick / remove command, which will make the screenshot and photo disappear from the list.
The psychological effect of sending the photo within the group pushes users to truly Saveall the photos on the list, and catch up correctly.
What are you waiting for to get in touch with AlexDev, and produce your own personalized Saves bot?
Being a personalized bot, and made to measure, it is 100% editable in all its parts!
See our Instagram Saves Checking bot in Action
What are you waiting for to get in touch with AlexDev, and produce your own personalized Saves bot?
Being a personalized bot, and made to measure, it is 100% editable in all its parts!