Services Sales Panel (SMM)

Build your service sales panel (SMM) with AlexDev: Safety and Quality based on the SmartPanel standard.
Our product evolves the standard, solving various problems and bringing it to the maximum of its capabilities.

The panel is based on the SmartPanelstandard, the panel most used by the main agencies, and offers integrations with external panels, a built-in API, many features and complete management.

The AlexDev version includes not only the official license of the system, but also numerous improvements and security updates.

Sales panel dashboard screen
Sales panel dashboard screen

What Is SmartPanel?

SmartPanel is one of the most famous sales panels on the market, used by all major agencies.

It offers, among the main features:

  • A fully customizable Landing Page
  • Mobile friendly and responsive website
  • Complete management of users, administrators, customers
  • Management of Services of various types, and categories
  • Profit and expense statistics
  • Complete order management
  • Support Ticket
  • Notifications via email and Recaptcha
  • Automatic timezones
  • Integration with external APIs
  • Built-in API for automatic resale
  • Advanced payment gateways
  • Multi-Language management and Translation

And much more!

Some examples of the panel in question are as follows:


This type of panel is great for selling the premium services and utilities of your Instagram Groups!

Why buy the Services Sales Panel from AlexDev

You are surely wondering: “Why should I buy the panel from AlexDev, instead of doing it yourself?”.

After all, I put in this article the direct link to see the original panel!

The answer is very simple:

The basic panel, which can be purchased online, was made a long time ago, and contains various errors and security issues.

To cite some examples:

  • Failure to update order status
  • Frequent system errors and crashes
  • Low level of security that allows malicious users to access the panel as administrators
  • Poor user management system
  • Numerous errors during the creation of orders and payments
  • And much more

AlexDev during the installation and configuration of the panel will apply a series of fundamental updates to ensure greater security of your panel, and better usability.

What do I receive by purchasing the Services Sales Panel from AlexDev?

By purchasing the panel from AlexDev you will get the following services, and much more:

  • Purchase and Official License of the panel, exclusive to your use
  • Complete setup of the production server via Terminal and security via private access keys
  • Solving basic known panel issues
  • Domain setup,nameservers, DNS, optimization cache
  • Safety Certificate SSL for domain (with https) and AntiDDoS
  • Cronjob setup for automatic processes (orders, APIs, payment processors)
  • Creating administration users with absolute access
  • System configuration (Currency, Language, Basic Settings..)
  • Maintaining the Panel with servers, backups, periodic updates
  • Full Support plus 1 hour per month of extra support for free updates and changes
  • MAILBOXES personalized with the name of your company
  • INTERNET DOMAIN with your company name
  • Extra Modules and Maintenance

What are you waiting for to create your Services Sales Panel?

You will receive the utmost professionalism and the best service, at a very low price!


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