Bot di Controllo Stories Instagram

Instagram Stories Checking Bot

The brand new Instagram Stories Checking Bot raises the level of the standard Like and Comment Exchange Bot again, adding a brand new advanced and useful feature: Stories views exchange.

The Views of the Stories have become, for some time and like the Saves, an important factor held in great consideration by Instagram in its Algorithm, and this bot was created to meet this need, and push the growth of profiles even higher. Instagram.

How do you check Instagram Stories Views with a Checking Bot?

As we all know, and as for the saves, it is not possible to automatically control the Saves within instagram, as they are a privatefeature of each user, visible only to the latter.

However, what AlexDev.IT has decided to do, to create an effective and intelligent solution, is to control trulyand in an extremely precise way the presence of Like(and, if desired, also Comments) under the last photo of each profile listed for the stories, by the user who wants to post, without giving the user the link to the photo, but only the link to the StoriesIn question.

What happens then?

If the Like (or / and comment) is present under the last photo of the profile in question, and if the user did not have the link of the photo, or of the profile, but only to the Stories to be displayed, it follows that the user, in order to have access to the profile, first had to look at the stories.

A simplebut brillianttechnique, which allows you to make a truthful check on the exchange of views to the stories.

An example of a Stories list

What are you waiting for to get in touch with AlexDev, and produce your own personalized Stories bot?

Being a personalized bot, and made to measure, it is 100% editable in all its parts!

See our Instagram Stories Control bot in Action
Video tutorials control bot stories instagram

What are you waiting for to get in touch with AlexDev, and produce your own personalized Stories bot?

Being a personalized bot, and made to measure, it is 100% editable in all its parts!

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Instagram Saves Checking Bot

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