Likes & Comments exchange bots handle instagram exchange groups in Telegram
In this kind of groups, every user can send a link of a photo (of his own profile, or from mirror profiles), to get more Likes / Comments on it from other users, but before being able to do it, the bot will check that the user itself has liked all likes/comments on photos of the users before him
This kind of bots checks that all users have really liked / commented the last N PHOTOS before being able to post their own
A custom bot for likes & comments exchange checking is the best choice for who wants to move his community to the upper level, standing through the mass and creating something 100% custom and adaptable to his own needs
It can be developed in many ways, and it will have all the features you need to handle your group, from the most basic ones to the most peculiar ones
Down here I’m going to resume some of the most important features included in Like e Comments checking bots, and I will then present you some peculiar features that have been requested during development of custom bots
Base Structure & Initial Features

The base structure integrates the “core body” of the bot, with the definition of the graphic look, messages and buttons, that can be of course 100% customized, to fit your needs
In the base structure are also included this 2 core features:
⭐️ White-listed Users (Premium Users), users that will be able to drop links in the group without needing to engage with the previous ones, and therefore they will help you to Monetize your pod through selling premium packages
➕ Missed Posts Tolerance, the possibility to set a maximum number of missed photos when a user goes posting in the group, accepting the “human error” of some photos, but gaining a much higher activity and gratification of the users
It’s needed also to add one (or both) of the following features:
❤️ Like Checking, a feature that checks that the user had liked all the N preceding photos (considering the tolerance) before being able to post in the group
💬 Comments checking that will verify that the user posted a comment, of at least N words, on all the X preceding photos (of course considering the tolerance) before being able to post in the group

Some of the most requested features regard the possibility to add “permanent photos” that will hold forever in the top of the list, with the must to be engaged by all the users, until the manual removal of this photo
To upstand that need, we created 2 main features:
👑 Admin Photos Checking, that will allow to only admin users to add a “permanent photo” through a custom command, and to remove it with another command All the users (of course except the Premium ones) will need to engage also with all the admin photos, together with all the photos in the normal list.
This feature has been powered up with a special custom request, made by a customer during the development, by adding a Special Counter, that counts the number of likes / comments received on the photo, and will remove it automatically once reached
💎 Premium Plus Users, that will allow you to create some “special premium users”, that will have the photos posted, instead of the normal list, in the “top pinned list” as permanent photos (basically, just like the ones we just talked about, with the difference that this feature is not reserved only to administrators, but also to some selected users, that will be able to post using a particular pattern)

📎 Premium Pending List is one of the most innovative and convincing feature seen in this kind of bot: It will be possible to enable a special pending list, in which will be added all the photos of premium users, that, instead of being posted immediately, will be posted only once a certain number of photos is passed from the last premium one This will keep a fixed distance between one premium photo and the other, granting to all users a correct return in term of Likes and Comments
🕐 The autodrop system is strictly connected to the pending list, and will add a special extra premium user level:
The premium autodrop user, differently from the preceding ones, is not connected to the Telegram profile, but directly to the instagram profile of the customer:
Every time the customer will publish a new photo on his profile, that photo will be, in a completely automated way, posted in the group.
Down here it’s possible to see some other examples of like & comments custom bots: The second one has an extra feature: Only the last message sent in the group will show the keyboard, all other ones will have a much cleaner and readable format.