The Instagram Round control bot is one of the best known and most famous products designed and made by AlexDev.
Over the years it has been greatly improved, integrating new features and customizations.
Taking inspiration from the best features of our Round Exchange Bots, we have produced a bot capable of managing multiple rounds per day, with customized actions, different durations and days.
What is an Instagram Round?
An instagram round is an event organized at specific times, which allows users to find themselves within a Telegram group and exchange Likes and / or Comments.
All participants will be required to reciprocate Likes and / or Comments(depending on the group setting) to all other participants (obviously excluding premium paying users who can participate without having to recover).
Since this event is organized at specific times, participating users will have to book at a well-defined time (a start and an end time will be defined for the drop phase), and publish their photos just before the start. of the Round.
In this way, all the Likes and Comments will arrive in the first minutes of the photo, pushing it to the maximum in the Instagram algorithm.
Furthermore, if the community within the group is active and loyal, users will always receive likes and comments from the same users, giving a further boost to the profile!
What does an Instagram Round Control Bot do?
The control bot will allow you to manage your round in a totally automatic way:
It will notify users of the start of the round, collecting their participations (in like or comment mode, with last photo or specific photo, and so on)
It will automatically publish the participations of premium users in autodrop
It will generate the lists automatically and send them to the group for users to retrieve
Finally, it will check that users have correctly recovered the photos in the list, and will warn offenders
All this without the need for any intervention by the group administrator!
What are the phases of the Instagram Round Control Bot and how do they work?
In the phase preceding the drop, the chat will be suspended, and users will not be able to send any type of message. Obviously this restriction does not apply to the admin users of the group, who are authorized to send any message they want.

During the drop phase, users will be authorized to send only one type of message, namely their @username instagram
Each Telegram user will be able to send one or more instagram profiles, provided that he goes to retrieve with all the profiles he has entered.
Obviously, the user who signs up must retrieve with the same profile he used in the drop phase.
Users can submit their own in 2 ways:
– Lowercase @username, to give and receive only likes
– @USERNAMEuppercase, to give and receive Likes and Comments
The bot, in a completely automatic way, will take the last photo they posted on instagram and will insert it in the list.
If the same username is posted a second time by the same user, the photo added to the list will be updated.

During the drop phase some extra options will be possible:
- Users can, during this phase, use the /remove @username command to remove their drop.
- Administrators will be able to use the same command to remove any drop
- At this stage, manual premium users will be able to drop their profile to participate
- At this stage, the autodrop users will be automatically entered by the bot.
In the list generation phase, the bot will produce the complete list of photos and usernames participating in the round.
A message containing the list will be sent to the group, and in private users will be able to see their personal list, with only the photos they need to retrieve.
Photos with COMMENTS will have a recognizable emoticon next to them.
Users will have a maximum time, decided in advance, to recover all the photos in the list (with a decided tolerance, possibly)
Full list of users LIKES and COMMENTS with differentiated emoticons User list with LIKE First part of the list Customizable header
During this phase the bot will carry out its checks, verifying that the participating users have correctly retrieved the other photos with Likes and / or Comments (depending on the selection).
We can obviously foresee a tolerance, that is a maximum number of forgotten photos, within which the user will not receive warnings.
If users are out of this tolerance, they will instead receive a warn that will be communicated to the group.
The administrator will receive, in a dedicated private channel, a report of the photos forgotten by each user.
Once the maximum number of warns is reached, users will be Silenced and will not be able to participate or send messages within the group.
Under each warn there will be a Remove Warn button that will allow you to cancel the warn quickly and easily, usable only by administrators.

Instagram Round Control Bot Administration Commands
The commands will be executable by the Administrators of the group both within the group itself and in private chat.
They will allow administrators to perform special operations quickly and easily.
The commands available are:
- /blacklist @username -> blacklists a username, preventing it from using in rounds
- /resetdrops -> Reset the drop counter of all users
- /resetwarns -> Reset the warn counter of all users
- /drops -> Print the list of users with drop number
- /premiumlist -> Print the list of premium users
- /premium @username_instagram -> starts the procedure to make a user premium
- /warn @username or ID -> Warns a user with a specified reason
- /unwarn @username or ID -> Admonises a user
- /info @username or ID -> Prints information of a specific user

Chat Management and User Commands
The bot will block any messages from users, except for @drop (only during the drop phase), and the following commands:
- /nextdrop -> Print time of the next drop
- /mywarn -> Print the user’s warn number
- /mydrop -> Print the user’s drop number
- /list -> Performed in private chat during the round, print the photo list to be recovered
Management of Premium And Autodrop Utilities
Premium users are users who have the opportunity to participate in rounds without having to reciprocate Likes and/or Comments.
Autodrop users are premium users who are automatically published in each round by the Bot.
For each premium user (whether autodrop or normal) you will have the following settings:
- You can select in which rounds the user will be premium. If you do multiple daily rounds, you can decide that the user turns out to be premium only in some of them
- You will be free to choose on which days of the week the user is premium, for example only Saturday and Sunday, or only on Thursdays
- You will decide if the premium user will receive Likes or Likes + Comments via an enable/inaseal button
- The user in question can be Autodrop or Manual
- The bot will be able to take the first photo of the day of that profile, or the last photo present, at your discretion
- You can cancel the premium user with one click

What are you waiting for to make your Instagram Round Control Bot?
Remember of course that this is a custom bot, 100% tailor-made for you! Don’t hesitate to ask for changes or extra features!
📞 Telegram:@TheDevAle
👥 Group:@AlexDevGroup
🇮🇹 Canale AlexDev:@AlexDev_IT
🇬🇧 AlexDev Channel:@AlexDev_EN