This advanced type of bot allows you to create an entire Follow 4 Follow exchange group, managed in the private chat with the bot itself, where each new user must follow the users entered in the list before him to participate, with an unfollow control advanced that will allow you to verify that even old users are following the new ones, and that everyone is following any administrator or premium users.
Followis one of the most important variables, in addition to theexchange of likes and comments, savesand stories, taken into consideration by Instagram in its algorithms, and is one of the main numbers that potential marketing agencies evaluate before contacting an influencer.
This bot allows you to grow your profile (for a fee, or by returning the follow) with realand permanentfollowers, who will forever remain followers of the profile in question.
Interface of our Follow 4 Follow Checking bot

Users will receive a customizable welcome from the bot, which can be enriched with personalized text, and links that can lead to instagram pages, channels, support groups and much more (there is no limit to the custom links that can be inserted in the buttons !).
Through a simple and intuitive interface, they will be able to access the List of Users participating in the bot, Unfollow Listof users to stop following, and easily enter the list.
The user list can be customized with emoticons, and is automatically generated. It is possible to distinguish admin users, premium users, and “normal” users, and also specify which users have recently logged in.
The unfollow list will instead present the list of users to “unfollow”, as they have not returned the follow to new users, or have unfollowed, and have been caught by the automatic system (or added manually by the admin)
As already mentioned, it is possible to add customized LINKS, or buttons that will lead to groups, channels, or external pages, such as the administrator contact and the support chat.
List with new users emoticons List with premium and admin users Unfollow user list
How to enter the Follow 4 Follow list
The user can follow the process of entering the list in a completely independent and automated way, obtaining the list of people to follow, and be controlled by the bot. In this section, the user may also be offered to enter for a fee, as a premium user
Proposal to enter for free or for a fee Welcome message on the list Entry into the list
After pressing the button to enter the list, the user will be asked if he wants to enter FREEor PAID(in case he selects to enter for a fee, he will be taken to the chat with the administrator, or to a site, or to a group support).
If instead he decides to enter for FREE, the user will be asked to enter the username with which he wants to join the list, and to confirm this username making sure that it is actually his profile.
After confirming, he will receive the list of profiles to follow, and after following them he can confirm the follow and enter the final control process.
If the user is following everyone correctly, he will be listed with the selected profile
If he has failed, he will receive the list of missing profiles, and can apply again
If the user is part of the Unfollow List, he will not be able to request entry into the list, and must first be removed from the unfollow list in order to enter
If, on the other hand, the user is already in the Follow List, he will not be able to re-enter unless he is first removed
Unfollow Control and Admonitions
During this phase, a random user will be selected from the database, and it will be checked whether he is following all the users in the list who entered over N days ago.
(Recommended: 2+ days ago, this to give people at least 48 hours to retrieve new entrants)
It will be marked as “controlled”, and depending on a tolerance decided a priori (recommended, 2% – 5%), it will be warned or notfor Unfollow. There will therefore be a warning system (notified in a PrivateLOG channel) which, having reached N warnings, will insert the user in the Unfollow List.
We can foresee that, if the user is cautioned, he can be cautioned automatically if he is following all users during the unfollow check.
From the Private LOG channel, it will be possible to track all the warnings received from users.
From this check will be excluded, in both directions (both “to be checked” and “checked”) users who entered less than N days ago.
Administration commands for the Follow 4 Follow bot
Administration commands will be added, executable by the staff, with the following features:
- Command to add / remove a user in the list (via main username and telegram ID for the add functionality)
- Command to make / remove a user from the list premium (viamain username)
- Command to make / remove a user from the list as administrator (via main username)
- Command to admonish / admonish a user on the list (via main username)
- Command to add / remove a user from the unfollow list (via username and telegram ID for the add functionality)
- Command to display the list of users “waiting” to enter
- Command to send a message to all users of the bot (/ global)
- Command to directly add a user as “premium”
What are you waiting for to build your custom control bot?