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EngageBot.PRO End of February 2021 Updates

During this second half of February 2021 we produced important updates of EngageBot.PRO

This period has been characterized by a strong fight against Instagram, who caused many problems with updates and mass-banning accounts that were being used in checking, forcing us to spend over 8000€ in just a couple of days to survive the event.

Within all the expenses that EngageBot.PRO has to sustain, with Servers and Proxies, the most important one, and always unpredictable, is the one to purchase new Instagram Accounts to use in checking engagement

Prices Alignment

For the reason explained above, we decided to conclude the prices alignment, changing the current bot price also to the customers registered before October 2020 (when we communicated the prices update)

Warning: As already explained, prices are NOT changing: we didn’t update or increase our prices. The ones active since November 2020 are in fact the definitive prices.

Customers registered before 1° November 2020 did still have the old pricing, as special gift, that are now aligned with the normal ones.

Transfer to the New Server

We concluded moving EngageBot.PRO to a new hosting provider, on a more powerful server and nearer to the Telegram Datacenters (and also nearer to the server of our Instagram Library), to guarantee more stability and speed, both in checking and in the base Telegram Bot Features.

Unlimited Administrators V2.0

We updated logics of the feature “Administrators can post without respecting limits“, integrating also the possibility to ignore Limits between Premium Users, obtaining a Really Unlimited Administrator

Now, in fact, if that check will be active, the Administrator will be able to post ignoring any kind of limitrelated to the distance between posts, ignoring also special limits related to the distance between premium posts

Improved the Comments Length Checking

We integrated a new Comments Cleaning feature, that allows us to better check length in words of a comment.

We still base on “counting spaces”, but in a better, clean and ordered way, accepting only comments of the correct length

Emoji Cleaning from Comments

You can now enable (enabled by default) or disable the emoticons Cleaning feature, that will clean emoticons from comments before checking for comments length. In fact, instagram changed the algorithms, and is not counting emojis anymore as “valid words” to grow the ranking of a photo.

If you wish to still accept emojis as words in your comments, you can disable this cleaning feature from your EngageBot.PRO panel

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