EngageBot.PRO being sold: how does it work?
EngageBot.PRO changes ownership: It won’t belong anymore to the AlexDev Company, but to EngageBot S.r.l., company which aim is to manage, maintain and update EngageBot.PRO, dedicating capital, energies and efforts to make it a perfect product.
Why EngageBot.PRO has been sold?
EngageBot.PRO is an ambitious project, hard to manage, and the AlexDev.IT Company, owned by a sole programmer (Alessandro Visintainer) couldn’t afford to sustain efforts and commitment needed to maintain perfect the product in its best form.
The continuous changes made by Instagram, in fact, require investments in terms of resources, money and work to keep up with the times and mantain checking secure and fast.
The purchase made by EngageBot S.r.l. will allow EngageBot.PRO to guarantee a more available and reliable staff, together with an economic investment and capital that will allow the platform to grow stronger and better constantly in time.
What is going to change?
User Experience in the EngageBot.PRO platform will appear exactly the same, but with better one-to-one support, dedicated telegram chat, support portal and much more.
The product will remain the same to which users are fond, but with many new features, improvements and optimizations.
The price of the product will be kept unchanged, but with a variation in the number of requests included in each subscription plan, that we are going to analyze deeper at the end of this article.
AlexDev quality, more resources and support
The development of new updates and features, together with resolution of technical issues and checkings production will be still assigned to AlexDev.
The users will be receiving the product to which they are fond, with the same development techniques and growth ways.
There will be more resources, dedicated to support management, bugs resolutions, to be more prompt and better in new features production and problems resolution.
Future programs: Which news will the EngageBot.PRO sale bring?
The availability of more resources, both economic and human, will increase the creative team growth, and the production of new updates.
As short-term future updates the following features are forseen:
- Stories Management, to allow you to create groups for “story views exchange”
- Saves Management, to allow you to create Like & Save, Comment & Save, LC + Save groups
- Specific target of Likes and/or comments to provide on specific premium photos
- Better optimization, more server performances, and many more news
To keep you up to date, follow our Telegram channel @EngageBotPro
Same Prices, less requests: How does it work?
The main reason for the EngageBot.PRO sale is the enormous increase of maintenance costs, that in this last months have grown to be near to ten times higher.
It may seem an excuse, but a fast search on google is enough to make you understand how Instagram changes ways to create accounts and maintenance, increasing costs to produce accounts and proxies, and therefore having reduced the offer for this kind of services, bringing EngageBot.PRO (that makes use of accounts and proxies), to start costing much more than the generated profits.
The net loss of EngageBot.PRO in this last 5 months is nearly double of the profits
January 2021 | €4836.58 | €6102.44 | -€1265.86 |
February 2021 | €4283.80 | €5695.02 | -€1411.22 |
March 2021 | €4877.48 | €8068.95 | -€3191.47 |
April 2021 | €4304.00 | €7127.62 | -€2823.62 |
May 2021 | €2999.60 | €9452.68 | -€6453.08 |
TOTAL | €21301.46 | €36446.71 | -€15145.25 |
This expenses table has been published to allow you to get a REAL idea of how much we have been forced to spend, and why it’s not possible for EngageBot S.r.l. to keep the system the same without re-evaluating it.
We nearly arrived to the point of declaring bankrupt (since we didn’t have enough liquidity available), but thanks to a strong investment we have been able to keep the system active until now, in respect of all customers that trusted us during the last 2 years of operativity.
After a deep analysys of datas and costs, we decided to do not increase any cost of our standard plans, to allow small communities that doesn’t have enough incomes to overcome the new costs to keep using the service, but to reduce number of daily requests included in each subscription plan.
My subscription cost is much higher than before: What can I do?
Don’t worry: The prices alignment resulted in an update that means that the owners of subscription plans preceding the new pricing plan have been aligned to keep the same number of requests, resulting in a higher cost, but this doesn’t mean you have to pay it:
You can go on the https://engagebot.pro/purchase page and change your “CURRENT PLAN” with one of our standard plans, that WILL KEEP THE SAME COST AS BEFORE
Be careful and check how many daily requests each plan offers, and how many you need!
EngageBot S.r.l. Contacts
Mail: info@engagebot.pro
Telegram: @EngageBotSupport
Support: Clicca qui
News Channel: @EngageBotPro
Thanks for the information.Good luck !