In this densely productive month, AlexDev has made great strides in its innovation mission. One of the key initiatives was the evolution of EngageBot.PRO, transforming the previously Instagram-focused platform into a multisocial tool. Now, with the ability to manage platforms like Twitter and TikTok, we are poised to revolutionize the way users interact and grow in their respective social networks.
One of the challenges faced was the limitation placed by Telegram on the account creation system, however, we were not deterred. With determination, we introduced a sophisticated session import system, thereby enhancing the functionality of adding members and overcoming imposed barriers.
Integration with WhatsApp has seen significant changes, evolving not only in sending but also in receiving and interpreting messages. This implementation brings with it a multitude of opportunities, including interactive chatbots, automated responses and seamless customer-business communication.
Recognizing the importance of a solid social media presence, AlexDev decided to actively expand on major social platforms. From Instagram to TikTok, our goal is to get closer to our community by offering exclusive content, updates and a direct line of communication.
In closing this DevLog, we renew our request to our dedicated customer base to share their experiences through reviews. This feedback is invaluable for our growth and improvement. With gratitude, AlexDev thanks all its readers and customers for their continued support and wishes you a wonderful day
The May and June period was a hectic time of ever-changing activities and projects. While there weren't any groundbreaking revolutions, there are still many exciting updates to talk about!
We will analyze the latest Instagram Updates, the cases of major maintenance that occurred during the past month, and the positive aspects that we encountered, such as the new profile update frequencies that allow us to obtain updated data with greater precision, the ability to access reels during self-drop checks, and the new profile control functions that better handle profiles that change usernames.
We will also discuss the new taxation, which was already discussed in the previous Flash Update, and the update of AlexAPI rates. Additionally, we will talk about the new strides we are making to develop the Automatic Phone Number Creation Tool for our Member Addition Bot
Lastly, we will dedicate some time to EngageBot, discussing the improved management of translations and the upcoming projects we have planned.