Aggiornamenti EngageBot

EngageBot Updates April 2022

Within these April 2022 EngageBot Updates we have dedicated ourselves to improving existing features, making them easier to use and faster, and we have been greatly absorbed by the new developments of Instagram.

Within this article you will find improvements related to the Saves control, the management of support tickets, the dividers for keyboards, the control “only verified profiles”, instagram hidden likes count, proxies, and much more!

Hidden Instagram Likes

EngageBot Updates April 2022: Hidden Instagram Likes

Instagram has officially hidden the like count even in the web version (if the user has decided to hide this count).

We therefore had to update all our control sections to be able to take into account the absence of the number of Likes.

This has slightly slowed down the control procedures, but will ensure constant operation without errors

Instagram Timelines

Proxy Update and Instagram Timing News

To learn more about timing updates and new proxies, read our DevLog April 2022 article.

Within this article we are going to address various general updates made to our Services, in particular related to Instagram and Proxies.

Private Groups: Removed mandatory to invite users

We have updated the management of the “List” message sent by the bot to favor users who prefer to keep the link of their group totally private.

The “standard” operation of the Bot provides that at the bottom of the list there is an immediate button to return to the group, and being the list obtainable only from within the group, this means that the link is visible only to users who are already within the group.

However, some admins prefer to remove permission to invite new members to the bot (so that the bot can no longer generate that link).

This behavior caused an error that made it impossible to generate the list (needing the link). We have made sure that in these situations the list is sent without the button to return to the group.

Instagram Saves

Improved Saves control functionality

We have updated our Saves control functionality to work faster and more stably, and integrated some new options within the administration panel.

The Saves feature is still in BETA, but it’s fully usable and ready to work properly: Let us know what you think!

Updated and improved Support Ticket management

We’ve updated our Support Page to make it easier for an operator to open a ticket and take charge.

All available data will be pre-populated, such as email, type of request, information about the bot and part of the support message.

In this way opening support requests will be easier and more immediate, and our aperators will have faster access to information to help you!

|| Management for keyboards and buttons (telegram “spoiler” update)

We have updated the separator we use to specify keyboards within all buttons on

The old format, which provides for a double | (||) to separate two buttons, it is still active and usable, but to align ourselves with the new features of Telegram we have updated the system to also accept the | Single.

Since the last update, in fact, Telegram automatically converts a double || in the “spoiler” format.



📞 Telegram:@TheDevAle

👥 Group:@AlexDevGroup

📣 Channel:@EngageBotPRO

🇮🇹 Canale AlexDev:@AlexDev_IT

🇬🇧 AlexDev Channel:@AlexDev_EN

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