DevLog Giugno 2022

DevLog June/July 2022

In this DevLog June/July 2022 we will talk about Instagram updates, EngageBot and its translations, new features, updates to the addition bots and much more.

As you probably already know, in recent months Instagram has made a lot of updates to their APIs.

Following a lawsuit, Instagram updated all its procedures, and banned numerous accounts used to carry out Like and Comment checks, as well as strengthening their security systems.

Read more to know what we have changed and how we have adapted to new updates, to make our bot work!

❌ No-errors policy

We have updated all our connection features with Instagram to prevent instagram itself from reporting “false errors“.

Very often Instagram returns errors as “non-existent photo” in various cases, despite the fact that the photo exists. We have updated our procedures to recognize and stop these errors.

We have also applied a series of updates that allow you to re-contact instagram in case an error occurs, bringing the % of connection errors to 0% in the last week.

💬 Comment Update V2.0

We’ve updated our comment checking process, which now consumes far fewer requests than before and can be much more accurate.

Previously, Instagram gave access to the list of the last 350 comments on a photo. Following the latest updates, you can only access the last 50, but thanks to our update and advanced caching system, we can save and collect Unlimited commentsfor each photo (provided that the photo was added immediately to our systems, within the first 50 comments).

Instagram comment
Instagram comment

❤️ Update Like v2.0

As with comments, Instagram has removed the ability to get “all likes” for each photo. However, they have created a new API that allows you to get the last “N” likes of a photo (random number decided by them) that moves between 50 and 150.

Thanks to our update and the advanced caching system, we can save and collect Unlimited likeswith the same conditions as the comment update.

In this way we are able to control the actions despite the restrictions imposed by instagram.

This update, however, has meant that checking the Likes is much more expensive than before.

Instagram Like
Instagram Like

🇮🇹 EngageBot.PRO DeepL Translations

We have updated our machine translation system for languages for which we do not have an official translator, and now we use DeepL translations.

This translation system uses artificial intelligence to translate complex sentences more accurately.

We have also improved our Italian and English translations


⚡️ PowerUp Server

Following the increase in requests that our server has to make to Instagram, we have greatly enhanced our infrastructure that now works much faster and stably.

We have also greatly optimized our database connections and performances.

➕ Bot Updates Added

We’ve made a number of updates to our add-on processes, allowing you to make additions faster and more stably.

Each access is doubly checked and interrupted quickly in the event of an error, and new processes are started at the same time.

We’ve also made the process of getting the last members within the group much faster and matching them with the addition in progress (to avoid re-additions of users already present.

👉 Have you understood our potential and are we in line with your needs?

📞Contact us now! You will receive the utmost professionalism and the best service, competence, experience, and knowledge of the field at the best price!


📞 Telegram:@TheDevAle

👥 Group:@AlexDevGroup

🇮🇹 Canale AlexDev:@AlexDev_IT

🇬🇧 AlexDev Channel:@AlexDev_EN

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