Updates EngageBot.PRO December 2021

During this month, for the Updates EngageBot.PRO December 2021, we decided to dedicate ourselves only to priority updates, to counter the recent updates of Instagram, and allow the Team to EngageBot.PRO to take a breather after the busy past year.

Having released hundreds of hours of updates every month, we have exceeded all our expectations, integrating many new features, and two control options: Saves and Stories.

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Updates EngageBot.PRO December 2021

However, we did not stop, and we continued to produce updates even under the Holidays. Here are some of the most important updates that happened this month.

Selection of the type of media, added in the Updates EngageBot.PRO December 2021
Selection of the type of media, added in the Updates EngageBot.PRO December 2021

Media Type Selection

It will now be possible, within the EngageBot.PRO group settings, to choose which types of media (posts) can be published within the group.

This will allow you to create groups only-reel, or solo-igtv, or only video+photo (no reel or igtv), and any combination of this type.

It will therefore be possible, for example, to prohibit the publication of reels.

It is also possible to customize the error message that will be sent in case a user tries to publish an unsupported media!

Customizable message for type of post not accepted
Customizable message for type of post not accepted

Faster lists and optimized queries

Thanks to our expert database analyst we have updated the selection queries that generate the photo list and the checklist, making it considerably faster (going from 20 seconds to less than a second in some drastic situations).

This allows groups to work faster, and users to receive the list of photos they need to recover more quickly.

We’ve updated our instagram link obtaining functionality by enabling support for new links, which now contain the username.

Example old link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CR82rEmDflw/

Example new link: https://www.instagram.com/engagebotpro/p/CR82rEmDflw/

Automatic clearing for administration commands

We have integrated an automatic deletion feature after 10 seconds for administration commands sent within the group chat.

The autodelete will allow you to keep the group chat cleaner, removing all notifications of administration commands.

This feature can be easily enabled/disabled from the admin panel

Automatic deletion of administration commands
Automatic deletion of administration commands

Deadline for photos on the waiting list

In some groups with many premium or inactive users present, there is a risk that some photos will remain on the waiting list for days, or sometimes weeks.

EngageBot.PRO now allows, in a simple and automatic way, to delete the photos on the waiting list that have been waiting for more than a certain amount of time (which can be specified in DAYS or HOURS)

Automatic deletion of photos from the waiting list
Automatic deletion of photos from the waiting list

Miscellaneous updates

We’ve made routine updates to improve the system:

  • Fixed issues in case the tolerance is empty
  • Improved machine translation system
  • Fixed some issues with translation links
  • Aligned instagram API

All our updates this year:



📞 Telegram:@TheDevAle

👥 Group:@AlexDevGroup

📣 Channel:@EngageBotPRO

🇮🇹 Canale AlexDev:@AlexDev_IT

🇬🇧 AlexDev Channel:@AlexDev_EN

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